Thursday, June 3, 2021

Kevin African American Puppet for Adobe Character Animator


Highly customizable African American male puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Kevin can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations. Includes many facial elements, outfits, and accessories you can mix and match.

Doctor Gaya Female Puppet for Adobe Character Animator


Download a customizable female doctor puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Doctor Gaya can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform different animations. Includes mix and match medical uniform items, 5 facial expressions, 5 hairstyles, 2 sets of arms (front and back), walk behavior, 20 hand gestures, and 30 premade replays.

Download Doctor Gaya Female Puppet:

Andrew Puppet for Adobe Character Animator

Highly customizable male puppet for Adobe Character Animator. Andrew can follow your head movements, lip-sync your voice, walk, gesture, and perform premade animations. Includes many facial elements, outfits, and accessories you can mix and match.